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Questionnaire for Supplementary Courses in the Faculty of Engineering:

Thank you for participating in the evaluation of WS 2013/14.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. A.P. Fröba, Dean of Studies
Jürgen Frickel, Evaluation Coordinator

Questions, labeled with "▶▶", to person, course and tutor have to be completed, otherwise it's not possible to get a reasonable quality assurance. 

Personal and Course Information

Main Questions to Course and Tutor

▶▶ The supplementary course is consistent with the registered topics and skills in the module handbook.

very good

very poor

▶▶ How well is the integration of the supplementary course within your course of studies?

very good

very poor

▶▶ The structure of the supplementary course itself is:

very good

very poor


▶▶ Are the content and organisation of the supplementary course harmonised with the associated lecture?

very good

very poor


▶▶ The tutor appears committed and motivated during transaction of the supplementary course.

pretty keen

not at all


▶▶ Taken as a whole I'am .... with this supplementary course.

deeply contented



Comments to Course and Tutor

Please restrict the comments to this supplementary course, its relevance to the study program, the tutor (please mention the group/name, if there are several groups/tutors), the evaluation and the questionnaire itself. Other comments should be inserted into the Study Situation Questionnaire of the Faculty of Engineering. 

▶▶ I want to answer further questions to course and tutor.

▶▶ I want to answer questions defined by the tutor.
. . . . (if he has defined any questions)

Questions defined by the Tutor